Reports, Surveys & Minutes

Patient Survey Results will be updated as soon as possible: 

Clee Medical Centre

PPG Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 18 April 2023 @ 3.30pm


 Present:       Joanne Drewery (JD) – Assistant Practice Manager, Sam Dunham (SD) – Supervisor, Gail McMenemie (GM) – Vice Chair, Sabina McCully (SM) – Secretary, Barry James (BJ), Kate Esmond (KE), Louise Gaunt (new admin and observing)


Item No.  

Agreed action points

Action by



June Waby, Kath Edwards, Ralph Callison






Minutes of Last Meeting

Agreed to be a true and accurate record.




Matters Arising

Branch Surgery – Updates in AOB

There were no matters arising from the last minutes (28.02.23)







Latest Covid Vaccinations (JD)

JD said that those patients over 75 years of age and those who are immuno-suppressed will be contacted and invited to take up the vaccine.  The vaccinations will be undertaken at Cromwell Road but can be booked through Clee Medical. JD added that vaccination of patients currently residing in care homes will be completed by Thursday, 20 April 2023.






Why does the NHS app, along with Clee Medical (CMC) app, discriminate against elderly patients? (BJ)

BJ said that he had recently needed to access his medical records to obtain details of covid injections, medicines, etc for travel purposes and when he had tried to do this electronically had been unable to do so because he does not have a Smartphone. BJ felt that this situation discriminated against him and people that only have access to a landline telephone.

 JD said that the NHS app is out of the control of CMC and confirmed its use is not compatible with a landline. However, JD said that BJ could telephone reception, or come in personally, to speak to a receptionist, if he needed to obtain any medical information, and they would be able to provide paper copies. Alternatively, SD said that if BJ had use of a computer, the medical information could be sent via email.




Any Other Business

Receptionists’ Protocol re Patient Symptoms – BJ said that he had been suffering for several weeks with a Covid infection and had had with a continuous cough resulting in severe lack of sleep. He had contacted CMC to ask for a doctor’s appointment but, when he stated his symptoms included chest pains and struggling to breathe, the receptionist advised he needed to go to A & E. BJ did not go to A & E and contacted CMC three days later, but this time did not mention chest pains or breathing problems when describing his symptoms, resulting in a same day appointment with a nurse, diagnosis of a severe chest infection and appropriate medication.   BJ queried why this could not have taken place in the first instance. JD said that receptionists are instructed that if a patient‘s symptoms include chest pains or anything that signifies a heart condition where speed of treatment is the essence, then they will asked to attend A & E.

 Availability of an NHS Chiropodist – JD said that referrals for a chiropodist are taken within a strict criterion, i.e., diabetes, otherwise patients make private arrangements. 

Update on Stirling Street Branch Surgery - JD said that ARI are still using Stirling Street and CMC infrastructure is going in later this month (April 2023) and are hoping to commence on 5 June 2023. CMC have yet to decide what clinics will be run there.

JD said that CMC currently has 16,500 patients registered and the Stirling Street site will provide more rooms, therefore, availability for more appointments, possibly in the form of 1 GP + 1 Nurse or HCA + 1 VTS Doctor, but this is to be confirmed. CMC have also taken on two extra receptionists to help with the branch surgery and to cover future maternity leave of a current admin staff member.

CMC Survey – JD said she hopes that PPG will help undertake a patient survey soon, content to be confirmed. JD will contact JW with the details.



























Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday, 6 June 2023 at 3.30 pm.

JD has arranged for Sylvia Leary to speak at the PPG Meeting.






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