
Dr Kazim Sibtain (m)


Qualifications: MBBS (2000) Quaide Azam University, Islamabad, MRCP (UK) MRCGP

Further Information:

Dr Sibtain became a partner within the practice in 2011. He is the lead partner for COPD and has interest in diabetes and heart disease.

Dr Ansar Saleem (m)

dr saleem

Qualifications: MBBS, MRCS. MRCGP, DFSRH, DipSomm

Dr Saleem specializes in Orthopaedic / Dermatology & Minor Surgery. 

Dr Smarajit Roy (m)


Qualifications: MRCGP(UK), Diploma in Child Health(UK)

Further Information:

Specialist interest in Child Health, Diabetes, Palliative care

Dr Mahmood Rasheed (m)

dr rasheed

Qualifications: MBBS MRCGP, Diploma in Diabetes, Diploma in Palliative Care.

Dr A Ilyas (m)
Dr A Zahra

Special interest in Women's Health and joint injections

Dr S Abbas (f)
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